We offer all size Dumpsters to Rent in Akron Ohio
When choosing a dumpster location:
Avoid areas near pedestrian walkways or automobile traffic
Leave the required space of at least 100 feet in length for dumpster drop-off
Select a level surface, free of debris and obstructions like low hanging wires or tree branches
To prepare for dumpster pickup:
Ensure items in your dumpster are evenly distributed and not sticking out of the top
Do not exceed the maximum tonnage allowed (10 tons)
On service day(s):
Move parked vehicles or other obstacles that may prevent access to your dumpster
Make sure gates are unlocked or provide our driver with a key or code to gain access to the service area
Remove tarp that’s been added to protect your dumpster from inclement weather
Additional Sizes
Posted on November 22, 2022 in Blog