Demolition Comparison Quotes 1-800-477-0854
Garage Demolition Projects and Costs
The demo consists of taking down a 20 ft. x 20 ft. detached garage.
Final Cost: $1,500
The garage in my home had been converted to a bedroom and I hired Watco to restore it back to a garage.
Final Cost: $1,000
Our 1,200 sq ft garage got burned and had to come down.
Quoted Cost: $2,300
Demolished garage after roof fell in.
Final Cost: $2,600
Demolished detached garage.
Final Cost: $1,800
Demolished a 12 ft. x 12 ft. single car garage with no door.
Final Cost: $800
Demolish one-car garage, about 10 ft. x 20 ft.
Quoted Cost: $2,950
Demolish 22 ft. x 22 ft. two-car garage with concrete slab.
Quoted Cost: $4,500
Demolish 24 ft. x 24 ft. garage
Quoted Cost: $1,000
24 ft. x 24 ft. garage
Final Cost: $373
I had an empty 20 ft by 20 ft concrete garage that had no garage door that I wanted demolished and the debris hauled away.
Final Cost: $2,900
I needed to have a garage made of wood and a walkway made of asphalt removed.
Final Cost: $6,000
The job was to demolish a damaged single-car garage. The resulting debris was cleaned up and hauled away.
Final Cost: $3,300
The project involved demolishing a 700 sq. ft. concrete garage including footings and foundation.
Final Cost: $3,500
Remove a detached garage via demolition and clean up the debris.
Final Cost: $3,000
Demolish a garage and three trees surrounding it.
Final Cost: $7,000
We needed a shed and debris that we put behind it removed, as the shed was old and falling apart. It looked awful and we didn’t have the time to take it down and dispose of it.Shed and debris removed. Concrete was not removed.
Final Cost: $1,000
Two flats and garage had to be demolished and land graded
Quoted Cost: $23,000
I am real estate broker and I am managing a property that needs a garage demolition.
Final Cost: $4,250
Demolition of a single story, two car garage and slab.
Final Cost: $6,700
Demo a detached 2-car garage with block walls. Rear and side wall gets demolished and common wall stays.
Final Cost: $5,500
1.5-stall garage demolition. Haul away all the debris.
Final Cost: $1,300
The project is to remove a 20 ft by 20 ft wood garage.
Quoted Cost: $4,200
Received an estimate from the demolition company to remove a single-car garage.
Quoted Cost: $3,000
The estimate was to demolish an 18 ft. long by 12 ft. wide, 2-car garage.
Quoted Cost: $750
It was a 2-car garage demolition project.
Quoted Cost: $2,750
Rental property has detached one car garage with roof collapsed (walls are cinder block, roof is wood structure). Utilities have been removed. Left the slab behind.
Final Cost: $4,600
1 1/2 car garage removal with small shed attached (10 ft sq), customer has permit and utilities were cut off.
Booked Cost: $3,000
Demolish a 2 car garage leaving the concrete behind. Haul away all the debris.
Final Cost: $2,800
Tear down a 1-1/2 car detached garage and haul away the debris.
Final Cost: $3,000
Demolish a 20 ft. by 20 ft. all-wood garage with a cracked concrete slab. Haul away all the debris.
Final Cost: $2,000
We had to demolish our garage after it was hit with a car. It’s made of tin and wood with a concrete floor.
Final Cost: $2,500
Called the demolition company to get an estimate for a garage demo. The garage is built on a concrete slab and has an aluminum roof.
Quoted Cost: $3,800
Demolish a 2-car garage. It measures 400 square feet.
Quoted Cost: $3,600
The job is to demolish an 18 x 16 foot wood garage.
Quoted Cost: $4,000
It’s a 2-car garage demolition.
Quoted Cost: $1,350
I had a 14 x 24 ft. detached garage in East Patchogue that I needed to have the structure as well as the foundation demolished and removed.
Final Cost: $3,800
Demolish an all wood detached garage. It measured 20 ft. by 20 ft. and sat on a slab. We had all the debris hauled away. The slab was untouched.
Final Cost: $1,500
We got an estimate to take down a 17 ft by 22 ft wood garage.
Quoted Cost: $700
The job was to demolish an 18 ft. deep by 42 ft. wide 3-4 car wooden garage. Hauled away everything and leveled the site.
Final Cost: $1,500
Demolition of 500 sq foot carport that was close to the neighbor’s fence and back porch connected to our house.
Final Cost: $3,000
We had a 21 ft. x 20 ft. aluminum carport demolished and all the debris hauled away.
Final Cost: $2,000
We had to demo a 24 x 24 foot block garage. The cost included removing the slab, and preparing the site for a new pole barn.
Quoted Cost: $1,600
Boat porch (2 car size) demolition project. There are no walls on any sides.
Quoted Cost: $800
The project is to demolish an old concrete block garage that measures 30 ft. by 20 ft.– break up the slab, haul away debris and level the site.
Final Cost: $2,000
Demolition and removal of original 12 ft. by 20 ft. single-car garage built in 1942. It was made of cinder blocks sitting on a concrete slab. They took everything down, broke up the slab, hauled away the debris and returned site to grade.
Final Cost: $1,950
My 50 year old garage was falling apart and needed to come down. It was a small one-car garage made of wood with a cement floor.
Final Cost: $1,500
Demolish a garage measuring 24 by 24 ft (10 ft. by 24 ft. has no foundation). It’s attached to the house and has a roof pitch of 1/12. Concrete pad needs to go as well.
Quoted Cost: $2,750
Our detached garage caught on fire and ended up catching our shed on fire also. The shed was 8 x 16 ft and the garage was 12 x 12 ft.
Quoted Cost: $1,740
We have a standard sized two-car garage and 9,000 square foot driveway we wanted to get a demolition quote for.
Quoted Cost: $4,500
I needed a concrete patio, driveway and 10 x 20-ft carport demolished along with some trees and bushes.
Final Cost: $3,000
A storage room (wooden) needs to be demolished. It measures 10 ft. by 20 ft.
Quoted Cost: $600
My wood covered deck/porch was old and falling apart. I decided to have the whole thing demo’ed.
Final Cost: $2,000
Medium sized shed demolition. It measures about 10 ft. by 12 ft.
Quoted Cost: $1,500
We had a 10 foot by 18 foot storage shed taken down.
Final Cost: $650
I wanted to get an estimate to demolish a small one-car garage with wood siding.
Final Cost: $1,200
The cost includes demolishing a single-stall garage sitting on a concrete slab.
Booked Cost: $2,750
We had an old metal shed on a concrete slab that we wanted to have removed. The shed dimensions were 7 feet wide, 5 feet deep, 6 1/2 feet high. We just weren’t using it and it just didn’t fit in our plans for our new back yard.
Final Cost: $1,200
Garden shed in back yard with concrete floor needs to be demolished and hauled away.
Final Cost: $560
We had a deck attached to the house that was made into a room. It was around 12 ft. by 12 ft. and made of wood and some concrete. The debris was disposed and site was leveled.
Final Cost: $2,000
I received an estimate from the demolition company to remove a two-stall garage.
Quoted Cost: $1,750
The work involved demolishing a single-car garage.
Quoted Cost: $2,600
Demolish and haul away a single-car garage made out of wood sitting on a concrete slab. Remove concrete slab and return site to grade.
Final Cost: $2,000
I needed a 24 x 24 ft. garage apartment demolished.
Final Cost: $2,500
I had a one-car, free standing center block garage demolished. It was dilapidated and in danger of collapsing.
Final Cost: $2,200
Demolition of a single-car garage without a concrete slab. Disposed all the resulting debris.
Final Cost: $1,000
The work involved demolishing 8 single-car garages all made of wood, and leaving the concrete slab.
Final Cost: $4,700
Remove 6 x 6 x 6 ft. drum room. It is wood frame drywalled.
Quoted Cost: $325
The project was to remove a 15 ft. by 12 ft. detached garage with no foundation. It had some concrete around the garage, gravel floor.
Final Cost: $1,950
Demolish and haul away 30 ft x 15 ft shed-like structure made basically of galvanized tin roof and wood sitting on concrete. No asbestos was involved. There was no insulation or utilities, and no site grading. The concrete it was sitting on was left as is.
Final Cost: $7,000
I needed to demolish a shed and the concrete it’s sitting on. The concrete is about 1 foot thick and 15 feet by 10 feet. I also needed 2 pathways to be demolished, one is 24 feet long by 3 1/2 feet wide and the other is 30 feet long by 2 feet wide.
Final Cost: $1,600
My one car garage was dilapidated and needed to come down.
Final Cost: $2,000
It was an old wooden two-car garage sitting on a concrete slab. Everything was removed including the concrete slab and hauled away.
Final Cost: $2,000
The job was to remove a small one-car detached garage with a cement foundation and wood framing. Everything was disposed of and the site was graded.
Final Cost: $1,000
The job was for a 2 car garage demolition.
Quoted Cost: $3,000
Old brick garage standing 1.5 stories high needs to be demolished along with a patio and oil tank as well.
Quoted Cost: $1,600
We have a garage measuring 18 ft by 16 ft that needs to come down. The sides are wood and stucco.
Quoted Cost: $1,500
We need a shed demolished.
Quoted Cost: $600
Demolition of a 2 car garage.
Quoted Cost: $2,000
We requested a garage demolition quote from the demolition contractor.
Quoted Cost: $2,200
The project is a 20 x 20 ft brick garage demolition.
Quoted Cost: $3,200
A 10’x18’x7′ concrete standalone garage needs to come down because it’s badly damaged. It’s constructed out of wood and has a slate roof.
Quoted Cost: $10,000
We got a quote from the demolition company to remove a one-and-a-half car garage. The concrete slab would be left alone.
Quoted Cost: $850
I have an older 2-car garage I need demolished. I plan to leave the concrete slab.
Quoted Cost: $820
The project is to demo a 500 sq ft garage built in 1940. Half of it has a concrete slab, half has gravel.
Quoted Cost: $1,300
Single-car garage demolition project.
Quoted Cost: $800
We have a one-car garage measuring 12 by 24 feet that needs to be demolished.
Quoted Cost: $2,150
We have a detached car garage that needs to be demolished. We’ll do the demolition ourselves but need a dumpster to have the debris hauled away.
Quoted Cost: $495
We needed our 14 x 20 foot garage demolished. It has wood siding and is a single-car garage.
Quoted Cost: $1,500
The job consists of demolishing a 10 x 16 foot wooden shed.
Quoted Cost: $500
We were given a quote from the demolition company for demolishing a 22 x 22 foot detached two-car garage.
Quoted Cost: $2,300
We called the demo company to get an estimate for removing a 1.5-stall garage. The wood had rotted.
Quoted Cost: $1,700
The wood of my 1.5-stall garage was completely rotted and it needed to be demolished.
Final Cost: $2,500
We got an estimate to tear down our garage and have the debris hauled away.
Quoted Cost: $1,750
We had a wood frame, single car detached garage that was falling apart and needed to be demolished. We had it tore down and completely removed in one day.
Final Cost: $4,500
We had a wood frame two-car garage with two steel doors, probably built in the 1930s, demolished.
Final Cost: $2,400
Posted on December 29, 2016 in General